"Sanje imajo svojo ceno", je naslov knjige od nemškega pisatelja Michaela Burka, katero sva z mami prebrali nekje 11 let nazaj in zaradi katere sva obe imeli željo odpotovati na sanjsko ISCHIO. Vulkanski otok poln rož in čudovite narave, vijugastih majhnih cest, hribovitih zelenih vzpetin in dolin, naravnih termalnih vrelcev, po katerih slavi, čudovite hrane in vina in polno neizmernega čarma.
S to željo sem pred 10 leti, ko sem dovolj prihranila na turneji, podarila mami za njen rojstni dan potovanje na Ischio. Takrat s turistično agencijo, ki je bila res totalno zanič. Pa še posebej sem jih prosila, da je to darilo za rojstni dan in da želim hotel na mirnem in raje plačam več in da je res vse ok.....
No, potovanje se je začelo..... prvi šok, da smo potovali z avtobusom Pikapolonico iz Slovenije do Italije, Neapla in nato s trajektom do Ischie in nato šok, da sploh ne spimo v hotelu, ampak v depandansah in to na najbolj prometni cesti, čeprav je bila cena paketa kar visoka. Vseeno sva se imeli čudovito, seveda je vino pomagalo. Sicer nisva imele avta, sva pa zato potovale po Ischii z avtobusom, saj imajo dobro avtobusno povezavo in obiskale veliko turističnih atrakcij kot tudi otok Capri. Ampak o tem več v naslednjem potovanju oz. blogu.
Ker je bila moja želja odpeljati mami še enkrat na Ischio, sem se pred enim letom odločila, da ji ponovno podarim za njen rojstni dan za vse kar mi je nudila v življenju in se odrekala in za vse kar mi še vedno in je vedno ob meni in postavlja sebe nazadnje (pač taka je), AMPAK tokrat v lastni režiji...... Rezervirala sem let iz Budimpešte, ker je direkten let do Neapla. V Neaplju, sva si rentale avto in nato odpeljale do pristanišča na trajekt. Naj povem, da je bila vožnja po italijanksih avtocestah zgodba za sebe in čisto drugačna dogodivščina, ampak sva vseeno preživele vse do pristanišča, kjer je izgledalo, kot da sva v nekem samskem, industrijskem, nevarnem predelu. Preživele sva čakanje na trajekt za Ischio, kjer sem morala vzratno peljati na trajekt. Hvala bogu, so nama dali najmanjši avto možen, ker so vedeli, ko je ženska za volanom zna biti nevarno. Vsekakor pa so vedeli, da so ulice v Ischiji super, super majhne.
Na trajektu je bilo veliko starejših parov in veliko mam in hčerk. Eni izmed mnogih sta bili malo starejši, kar mislim da bova midve naslednjič, ko se vrneva na otok čez 15 let. To govorim zato, ker so imeli na trajektu celo dvigalo za invalidske vozičke. Bila je šala, saj sva se ves čas smejali, celo ko sva prispele na Ischio in naju je google map vodil na kozje poti, gor proti vulkanu in ni bilo nikjer za obrniti in sem nekako uspela zapeljati vzvratno, ko mi je od zadaj prihajal še en avto. Vseeeno sva se cel čas smejali najini avanturi. Seveda ji nisem povedala oz. pokazala strahu, cel čas ko sem vozila, saj je mama po naravi zelo pazljiva.....
Avanturo z mamo sem organizirala za 8 dni, ker se za 5 dni se ne bi ravno izplačalo. Ker se nisem mogla odločit kje ostat sva prvih 5 dni ostali na čudovitem Agriturizmu, zadnje 3 dni pa sva prenočili ob obali v St. Angelo. Glede nato, da sem tokrat želela popolno izkušnjo, ki sem jo želela doživet z mamo, sva bile prve dni na prečudoviti lokaciji blizu vrha vulkana. Seveda nisem pomislila, ko sem rezervirala, da bo do tja vodila kozja pot, sicer asfaltirana, ampak bolj strma verjetno ne bi mogla biti. Tako sva po tem, ko naju je googlu map peljal na pot, kjer je bilo nemogoče zaviti v desno z avtom, ker je bilo tako ozko, poklicale lastnika.
Odločena, da odpovem ta podvig v višino in greva prenočit kam drugam, se lastnik javi in reče "ja seveda pridem po vaju, smo čakali na vaš klic, avto boste pustili na parkirišču na hribu, jaz pa vas bom peljal do Agriturizma". Mami sem rekla, "bova videle bo občutku in kak izgleda, če bo to ok ali pa odpoveva." Ko je gospod prišel po naju, je bil zelo olikan, tako da sva se z avtom odpeljali za njim. Seveda na poti navzgor, ker je vozil tako hitro kot vis Italijani, sva se ponovno izgubili, se spet smejali, ker sva bile tako ažurne.... no končno sva ga dohitele. Preložili smo kovčke in odpotovale proti vulkanu navgor in prišle v RAJ.
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Se nadaljuje v naslednjem blogu. Avanture mami in hčerke na Ischii :)
"Dreams have their price", is the title of a book from a German writer Michaela Burka, which both mum and I read 11 years ago. Since then on our dream was to visit Iscia together. The island is vulcanic, full of blossoming flowers and beautiful nature, winding little roads, green hills and valleys, natural thermal spas (which the island is famous for), amazing food and wine and full of charm.
10 years ago, when i had earned enough money on the tour, i made this wish come true and gave my mum as a present for her birthday a trip to Ischia with a travel agency... which was total crap (i didn't know that at the time). And i especially asked them to get a hotel in a quite place, that everything will be the best and that i can pay more because it's for a birthday present...
So, the journey 10 years ago started quite adventurous. We were picked up with the smallest bus possible and travelled by the bus from Slovenia to Napoli, Italy, which is around 10 hours drive. When we got to Napoli, we got another shock. We didn't even stay in the hotel, but little side houses on the busiest road. We still had a good time. Wine always helps! We didn't have a car this time, so we were going around the island with bus, which is pretty good as well. We did a lot of sightseeing around the island and also took a ferry to see the island of Capri.
Because my wish was to take my mum again to Ischia, i decided i year ago that i give her again a trip to Ischia for her birthday. This time in my arrangement, because i wanted everything to be perfect, for everything that she did for me and gave up and is still doing. That's how she is, putting her self last. Big favor goes actually to Trent, because he said to give something to mum, take her somewhere. And yes, it was the best decision!
So, i reserved the flights from Budapest because they have a direct flight to Napoli, where i rented a car so we could freely drive around the island. Let me tell you, that driving on the Italian highway is a whole other story... Crazy! All though we survived and made it to the ferry where everything looked like we are at some old dock lands and not so safe. We survived waiting for the ferry to Ischia, on which I had to drive reverse on to the ferry. Luckily they gave us the smallest car possible. I guess they knew that a woman behind a car is never a good idea plus they knew that the roads on Ischia are super small.
On the ferry was a lot of older couples and a lot of mums and daughters. One of the many were a older mum and daughter and I said to mum, "this will be us in about 22 years". I'm saying this as they were using the stair elevator for a weelchair. It was a joke, as we laughed the whole time.
Even when we arrived in Ischia and google map lead us to some goat tracks where you couldn't even turn to the right because the road was so small and another car was coming behind me and I had to somehow reverse. We still laughed and I tried to not show any fear to mum because usually she is pretty scared of everything.
I organized the adventure with mum for 8 days, since 5 would be too short traveling so far. I couldn't decide where to stay. So the first 5 days I booked an amazing place at the Agritourism and the last 3 days next to the coast in St.Angelo. This time I really wanted an amazing experience. The Agritourism was close to the volcano. Of course i didn't think that the goat track would lead us to this place, all though the road was made of asphalt... but more steep it couldn't be. So after the google map leads us to the wrong track, we decided to call the owner. At this point, i was thinking already to cancel the reservation and stay somewhere else. When I called the owner he said he was expecting us and he will come and get us with a car. We will have to leave our car on the parking place below and he will drive us later on to the Agritourism. I said to mum "we will see and feel if it's worth going to stay at the place when the owner comes". He was really nice and polite. So we decided to follow him with the car and yes we got lost again on the way because Italians drive super fast up the hill. Finally we caught him, left our car at the parking area and loaded the suitcases in his and then we finally arrived in HEAVEN.
Click on the button if you don't believe
To be continued in the next blog. Advantures of mum and daughter in Ischia :)