Glede nato, da je bil september precej hladen in turoben in da je za naju s Trentom bilo letošnje poletje zelo kratko, saj sva skoraj celo poletje pripravljala muzikal Le Hotel o katerem bom pisala v prihodnjih dneh, skoraj vsak lep vikend izkoristiva za pobeg na primorsko.
Kdor še ni bil v Grožnjanu mora iti obvezno. Grožnjan je znan po ateljejih in galerijah. Je duša za umetnike in ljudi kot sva midva s Trentom :) . Seveda tudi omehča kakšne bolj "ozko usmerjene ljudi". Mestece je polno duše, rož, muckov, kužkov, prečudovitih kafejev in restavracij, zavitih, tlakovanih uličic, kjer čutis energijo in davnost preteklosti, čudovitega sončnega zahoda, kjer ti zastane dih. Je eden izmed krajev, ki jih moraš videti in čutiti. Ker sama nisem ravno navdušenec zgodovine oz. si ne zapomnim, seveda z razlogom ker me ne zanima je tukaj link, kjer si lahko preberete več o zgodovini Grožnjana.
Uživajte v fotkah:)
Since september in Slovenia was pretty cold and rainy and since Trent and i didn't have much summer this year because we were doing the musical Le Hotel which i will write more in the next few blogs, we tried to go every nice weekend to the coast.
Who was never in Groznjan before, it's a MUST. Groznjan is known for atelier and art. It's a town for artists like us with Trent :). Of course it makes some narrow mined people little bit soft as well. It's a town full of soul, flowers, cats, dogs, beautiful cafes and restaurants, little streets with stones where you feel history of the town and past with beautiful sunset where you stay with out a breath. It's one of the places you have to visit in feel it. Because i'm not really a fan of the history and that's one of the reasons i can't remember anything all though you will tell me about it, i have copied a link where you can read more about it. :)
Enjoy in the photos :)

Poglej Slovence in Avstralce, rabutajo grozdje :)
Look The Slovenians and Australians, stealing the grapes :)

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